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AidSpin® All-In-One Silica Membrane Mini Spin Column

AidSpin® All-In-One Silica Membrane Mini Spin Column has been widely used as a low cost substitute for Qiaprep*, Qiaquick*, Qiaamp*, DNeasy*, RNeasy*, PureLink*, GeneElute*, PureYield*, and more. In a stand alone single column format, its application covers from DNA to RNA, from plasmid to viral and genomic DNA, from regular PCR purification to next generation sequencing sample preparation.

Since its introduction in 2003, millions of pieces have served scientists around the world. Enthusiasts have honored AidSpin® in peer-reviewed publications with their own mission-tailored buffers for various applications.

AidSpin® mini spin column is supplied with buffer recipes for plasmid purification, gel extraction and PCR clean up for all academic users. It is also compatible with a wide range of buffers** from all brand names.

Notes: *Trade marks owned by Qiagen: Qiaprep, Qiaquick, Qiaamp, DNeasy, RNeasy. Purelink belongs toLifetech. GeneElute is a trade mark of Sigma and PureYield goes to Promega.

150$/1000 Spin columns( Best quality, long shelf life for 1 year, recommended)
130$/1000 Spin columns( Shorter shelf life and store only 3-4 month, you need to add refreshing buffer to pass the columns to recovery absorbing ability and yield before use if you want to use after several months).
Shipping in 25kg box(12,000 pieces), typically to USA by FEDEX, Shipping and handling fee is 200$ for 12,000 spin columns. 
You only need 0.17$/spin columns including shipping fee for USA customer within 3-5 days.
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