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  Products > PCR Technologies > General PCR
PC09-2×Taq PCR MasterMix (With Dye)/(Without Dye)  View:17179

Cat #
PC0901(with dye)
50 ml
PC0902(without dye) 50 ml   250


     2 X Taq MasterMix is a premixed 2 X concentrated solution of Taq DNA Polymerase (Aidlab Cat. No. PC01), dNTPs , reaction buffer, MgCl2 and stabilizers. 2 X Taq Master Mix contains all components for PCR, except DNA template and primers. It is ideally suited to routine PCR applications from templates including pure DNA solutions, bacterial colonies, and cDNA products. It can amplify up to 4 kb from genomic DNA or up to 5 kb from lambda DNA. For a 50 μl reaction, simply add 25 μl of 2 X Taq MasterMix to primers, DNA template and PCR-Qualified H2O.   


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