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  Products > Nucleic acids purification > RNA extraction
RN01-TRIpure Reagent(same as Invitrogen's Trizol)  View:33157

Cat #
100 ml


        The TRIpure Reagent RNA Purification provides a simple, reliable, and rapid method for isolating high–quality total RNA from a wide variety of samples, including animal and plant cells and tissue, bacteria, and yeast. The kit utilizes the strong lysis capability of TRIpure Reagent. TRIpure Reagent maintains the integrity of the RNA, while disrupting cells and dissolving cell components. Addition of chloroform followed by centrifugation, separates the solution into an aqueous phase and an organic phase. RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase. After transfer of the aqueous phase, the RNA is recovered by precipitation with isopropyl alcohol. After removal of the aqueous phase, the DNA and proteins in the sample can be recovered by sequential precipitation. Precipitation with ethanol yields DNA from the interphase, and an additional precipitation with isopropyl alcohol yields proteins from the organic phase. Copurification of the DNA may be useful for normalizing RNA yields from sample to sample. Total RNA isolated by TRIpure Reagent is free of protein and DNA contamination. It can be used for Northern blot analysis, dot blot hybridization, poly (A)+ selection, in vitro translation, RNase protection assay, and molecular cloning.


       Store at 2-8°C, protect from light for up to 12 months.

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