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  Products > Nucleic acids purification > Genomic DNA extraction
DN23-DNA Stool Mini Kit  View:6941

Cat #
50 applications


     The DNA Stool Mini Kit provides fast and easy purification of total DNA from fresh or frozen stool samples. Purified DNA is of high quality and well suited for use in PCR and other downstream enzymatic reactions. The simple spin procedure yields pure DNA ready for direct use in less than 1 hour. Purification requires no phenol–chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation, and involves minimal handling. DNA is eluted in low-salt buffer and is free of protein, nucleases, and other impurities or inhibitors. The purified DNA is ready for use in PCR and other enzymatic reactions, or can be stored at –20°C for later use. 
     Stool samples typically contain many compounds that can degrade DNA and inhibit downstream enzymatic reactions. To ensure removal of these substances, the DNA Stool Mini Kit contains Buffer AB which efficiently adsorb these substances early in the purification process so that they can easily be removed by a quick centrifugation step. In addition, the kit contains Buffer ASL, which is specially developed to remove inhibitory substances from stool samples. 
      DNA of up to 20 kb is purified by the QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit. DNA of this length denatures completely during thermal cycling and can be amplified with the highest efficiency.  


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